You must be an advanced internet user to find this page because I buried it deep on my site for privacy or something. I don't usually write about myself, maybe it's because I'm from the midwest (Wisconsin). As a Wisconsinite, I am a life-long fan of the Green Bay Packers. They're my home team so you've gotta root for them. While I really like watching NFL football, I have no interest in watching other sports. Instead, I spend a lot of time watching a select-few streamers on Twitch. The one I watch the most is Gus Johnson. He is a really nice and humble guy and has a very swell community of regular viewers on his streams. We chat and share memes on his livestreams and discord. I also started a Youtube page where I archive Gus' streams so they don't dissapear. The page was founded on Feb 1st 2023 and we're working up to a thousand subs. After I started the channel two of Gus' twitch mods joined me in administrating and uploading the videos. All in, I probably only spend a couple hours a week running it.
The other streamer I never miss are a band called The Fantastic Plastics. I innitally found them when I was searching for DEVO covers on Youtube and then I started fallowing them on Twitch. They Rock! They are a couple who play original songs and covers. The Plastics have a unique retro-future style reflected in their music and vfx. I watch them every Friday night and have seen them live twice They are also really nice and accomidating people. I'm happy to support them on twitch and patreon.
My username of 68kMacMan comes from my affinity for old Macintosh computers. The original Macs utilized a Motorolla 68000 processor which is where the 68k comes from. The Man part comes from me being a man. Many Neocities users have perticular pronouns and identities (you do you) but I'm just a dude. One of my favorite yearly events is the Vintage Computer Festival Midwest. I've been fortunate to attend the last 4 years with a couple of my best friends. There are so many lovely people who show off the amazing things they are doing with vintage computers in the modern age. Maybe someday I'll set up a table there, but for now I really enjoy checking out what other people bring and taking pictures of the event with my Sony Mavica digital camera from the 90s. It takes delightfully low resolution photos.